My Thick Accent
‘My Thick Accent’ podcast aims to break the stereotypical moulds the immigrants are asked to fit in by introducing you to the fascinating world of existing and new immigrants from all walks of life. So, stay tuned and let's get to know each other Beneath The Accent!
Season 2 LIVE NOW!
My Thick Accent
Who knew a 4 PM dinner could be so eye-opening? | Beneath The Accent with Ritika Saraswat
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Ever wondered how a simple dinner invitation could result in a cultural revelation? When Ritika first encountered the North American habit of dining at 4 PM, she was in for a surprise, marking one of her most memorable cultural shocks.
Join us for an episode filled with personal stories and cultural exchanges as Ritika shares her journey of embracing new traditions while holding onto the flavors and fondness of home. Listen in as we switch roles, giving Ritika the reins to question my personal growth journey, from discovering a hidden passion for cooking to conquering the fear of judgment and embracing a more carefree lifestyle.
Ritika offers a unique perspective on life's nuances, reflecting on advice she would give her younger self and sharing heartwarming anecdotes about the comfort food that takes her back to her roots. Our conversation also takes a lighter turn with humorous tales about language mishaps and university interactions. As we celebrate the joy of Christmas and other Canadian festivities, Ritika shares invaluable advice for fellow immigrants.
End the episode with us as we reminisce about the significance of friendships formed in new lands, wrapping up a session that promises laughter, warmth, and a sprinkle of nostalgia.
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- My Thick Accent on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mythickaccent/
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- Gurasis's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamgurasis/
- Gurasis's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamgurasis/
To contact Ritika:
- Ritika's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritika-saraswat?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3Bv7nvvHDxQw%2BHUUk1edbMiQ%3D%3D
- Ritika's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/saraswatritika/
- Re-Defined Page - https://linktr.ee/redefined11
Want to share your story? Or know someone I should invite next on the show? DM us or write to us at Hello@mythickaccent.com
so, ritika, before we get into the last final game segment, you know I have added this new segment in this season, which is basically like know your host, where I ask my guests to ask me any question they might have okay.
Ritika:So what has been your biggest uh learning in the last six years you've been here?
Gurasis:one thing which I discovered is definitely a cook within me it's, it's. It might not be the best answer, but I think I've answered this before. Also, definitely that I think I didn't know what to cook. Obviously, apart from cooking maggie, or maybe boiling few eggs, we'll make an omelette, maybe, yes you gotta invite me over and school some amazing like I will, I will.
Gurasis:So, yeah, definitely. I think I'm able to try different cuisines now and I've experimented. And second thing which I've learned is not to have that fear of judgment anymore. Maybe I had that a lot before once again coming back to the point of having social amplifications and taking things in mind. What will people say? But at the now I don't care anymore. That is something I have definitely evolved from. Yeah, amazing, wow, perfect. So now in the final segment ritika I call it beneath the accent I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. You can ask them in one word or a sentence, how several you feel like. The idea is just to know more about you okay, one word it is so what advice would you give to younger ritika, and at what age?
Ritika:at what age and what advice? I think when I was 10 years old, because I was not confident in myself at all, I think. So the advice I would say is yeah, hold your head high and just know that you have what it takes and keep going, keep doing what you're doing and shut your ears and that's it. Just just walk, okay.
Gurasis:Yes, and tell me about an experience where you had a significant cultural shock cultural shock.
Ritika:Yes, the first time I remember I had a cultural shock. So one of my friends her name is merna is based out of vancouver. She is, uh, I forgot from where she is, but yeah, she's from somewhere. And uh she, she follows the same north american traditions. So I remember we had finished our class at 4 pm and she was like do you want to go grab dinner? I was like dinner for are you serious? Like this is my lunch time, like late lunch or maybe like tea time. Right, I was like let's get coffee.
Ritika:She's like no, I eat dinner around this time. I was like shocked. So that was one of the biggest cultural shock pieces because I was like we had dinner at like eight. Yeah right, or maybe early dinner is like seven, but 4 pm. I was like this is too much, so that was one of the biggest things for me definitely okay, one dish that brings the most comfort and nostalgia, oh my god rajma oh I love it.
Ritika:My colleague recently asked me what can I cook for you? Because he is amazing at cooking and I was like I'm missing home.
Ritika:So he cooked me rajma shawal and it was the best thing ever okay, any funny story related to your accent or english yes, I don't know if it's relating to my accent, but I remember when I first day of university, when I was in my part of our you know the onboarding sessions that we have someone in my group. She was from canada itself and she asked me wait, aren't you from india? I said yes, I am. She's like, do they speak english in india? I said yes, they do, like she was just shocked that I was from India and the fact that I could speak English and I was like Britishers, colonizers for quite some time.
Gurasis:In case you forgot, so that was just interesting. Yeah, of course. Okay, what's your favorite cultural celebration? Or like a festival in Canada of yours?
Ritika:Like a Canadian culture, yeah, something like Thanksgiving. I was really fascinated by Christmas. I really like, because I feel like I've known of the concept of Christmas, never really celebrated it, so that one yeah okay, a tip for fellow immigrants adjusting in a new country be yourself and get out there.
Gurasis:Okay, who was your first friend that you made in Canada, and are you?
Ritika:still in connect.
Gurasis:Jusneer, okay, are you still in connect with? Yes, yeah, okay. What is the something that you ate for the first time in Canada? Poutine, did you like it? No, no, okay, this is the common answer on the patina, even the following one no.
Ritika:No, no, no.
Gurasis:Okay, and what's this one law that you would create that everybody has to follow In Canada or anywhere else? In general, just a law that anybody has to follow.
Ritika:You have to do at least one kind deed every week.
Gurasis:Okay, yes, and how would you describe Canada in one word or a sentence?
Gurasis:Okay, and lastly, what advice would you give to me before leaving?
Ritika:Do what you're doing. Okay, keep doing it, no matter what.
Gurasis:Thank you and finally, how would you describe your experience being on the podcast?
Ritika:Enriching Okay, yes, different, thank you. And finally, how would you describe your experience being on the podcast? Enriching, okay, yes, different. I always said this to you, right? I? I go to a lot of podcasts. I keep asking the same questions and I get bored of it because I'm like my audience might be wondering why she's saying the same things, but it's like the question is the same. So I felt like there were different pieces we touched on.
Gurasis:So yes, okay, yes, okay, very, very glad to hear that. Thank you so much, ritika.
Ritika:Thank you for having me For being on season two.
Gurasis:I would say thank you for coming back once again.
Ritika:Yes, yeah, and now in person, absolutely you know online. It's different about the in-person thing, right? Yeah, I'm excited, I'm looking forward to it.
Gurasis:Awesome, and it's almost 4.30. Let's go grab dinner. Yeah, all right. Thank you everyone for watching and staying with me this far. Thank you so much for watching this. I really appreciate. You subscribe to this and you can listen to the audio version of this on Apple Podcasts, spotify, google Podcasts, amazon Music or wherever you consume your podcasts, and Google Podcasts, amazon Music or wherever you consume your podcasts, and you can also check out the previous episodes, as well as my previous conversation with Ritika on all these audio platforms as well. So until then, take care, bye-bye, and let's continue knowing each other beneath the accent.